Monday, January 21, 1991: In the second Gulf War: sirens began blaring in Riyadh and declared the war coming. The gags were a means of survival at that time. The gags were connected to several situations and carried with them the breath of terror and preserved the memory of the city and life. Eight gags for eight positions for life in a war Gulf. Human lives unforgettable moments, ever since childhood, and the image of the gags was still accompanying me. The search for memory was exhausting for me that is why I made sure to search for gags that were actually used in the war and to search in their memories. As if it is a memorizing tool for every situation that happened therefrom sound and image while reinforcing the visual director with an old piece of carpet in our house also lived that bad period, the stories usually carry many imaginary and real aspects and the desire to document any situation, I lived in it with a muzzle in our small house closed with plastic bags.