There is a type of blind ants called army ants which always walk in the form of a military queue whose number may exceed 200 thousand ants. This kind of ants communicate through a chemical called pheromone, which depends on tracking the effects of each other by pheromone, the second is to warn of danger, and the third is to track each other during the march, but this characteristic may represent a fatal weak point if the ants tracking each other in a vicious circle that becomes as it is called the death spiral, then disaster occurs, as they continue to spin infinite and begins fatigue on ants and mass death sometimes.

The collective behavior in humans is a behavior that in many respects resembles the behavior of blind ants, as we are social beings and we tend to submit to the group to perform joint rituals, even if these rituals lead to our destruction or to bad and harmful results, we do not usually put our behavior into question and testing, we find it difficult to leave the flock and pause a little to meditate around. The matter is more complicated when we talk about the social ideas and values that we carry, which we have learned from the environment in which we live, and despite the apparent difference in our intellectual positions, they are usually similar in their roots. The work and the desire for achievement and fear of poverty and generally the way of life in all its details are things that do not differ by humans and usually have the same sanctity that the ants.

When our social behavior leads us to problems that threaten our lives, we usually use the method of ants in dependency, so we do not change our behavior to end the problem, but we continue to walk on the error, not for a reason but because everyone does so.